Feb 15, 2012

more aussie than an outdated stereotype

I wish I'd known about this book on Australia Day! (And all those countless other days!) All that time I was sitting around thinking: "I wanna make a cake... I want it to be patriotic, but not obvious. I want it to say "Australia", but not in a modern, artistic, or indeed even obviously edible way...?" 


Because I know y'all have always wanted to make an edible

...VICTA mower...

...Tuckerbox (Of course u cant eat the dog! Because that'd be weird.)...


...Caravan! (I dont know how many times I've wanted to make a caravan cake...)...

...Meat pie with patriotic sauce! (Imagine! An edible meat pie!)...

...Billy (complete with gumleaf and soggy tea bag accessories)...

...Hills Hoist! (What? You can only eat the patch of lawn?! Disappointing!)...

...Weber-Que! (You call those sausages 'done'? That's not nearly enough charcoal for a true Aussie barbie! And where's the proverbial 'shrimp'?)...

But seriously, all joking aside, there are some cute Aussie animal cakes in this book - just look at this sweet little spearmint-leaf salt water croc!!! OMG he's ADORABLE!!! 

"C'mere! C'mere, you cute little...naaaw look at that: he's gnawing my leg off! Aww! Look he's doing a cheeky little death-roll and dragging me under the surface! Squee! Someone get the camera!!!"

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